Skin Care Tips

Many people say that skin care should be done at the salon beauty salon and need not cost a few others. But in terms of effectiveness it is harmful for us, yes indeed have a healthy and smooth white skin is everyone's dream. Well with so if we each Munggu require treatment in a salon with an extra fee if I should? Actually it does not have to do, many alternative treatments that we can do yourself at home. In addition to saving money tah results are also nearly equal to the beauty salon treatment at the salon.

Natural skin regeneration process occurs once in 28 days for those aged under 25. As you age, working gene (called KRT6B or Keratin 6B) that regenerate the skin starts to slow down because this gene is no longer young. As a result, skin begins to age, with the appearance of wrinkles and other aging signs. Skin aging is also faster if unmet nutritional intake, while the attacks from the outside environment continually experienced, such as exposure to ultraviolet rays from sunlight, lamps, even the habit too long at the computer.
There are many ways we can do to treat the skin yourself at home, whether it herbal cosmetic used to lighten, while bathing, or in our daily activities. Actually, that skin color is influenced by skin pigment itself. If the original color of our skin is brown, but with extra care can be changed to white it is a temporary in the sense that if your activities outside the home without the use of protective skin, the color of your skin will return to brown.

Before we treat the skin, it helps us to understand from our skin.Know Your skin type
Even so the way we use natural mask is there are rules that must be implemented. Not just from wear, must know first what your skin type.

There are several guidelines to determine skin type:

1. Oily skin
Feature of this skin, around the forehead, nose, chin (termed the T-zone) and the cheek at the bottom of the cheek bone continuously remove the oil. And generally easy to oily skin covered with acne.

2. Dry skin
Dry skin, dull-colored character or not shiny. Sometimes the skin feels tightened (interested), in addition to scaly and itchy. State of the skin pores often appear withered and rough and wrinkled. So people who face dry skin made to appear older than actual age.

3. Normal skin
Among the two types of skin before, the ideal is normal skin types. This type of skin is not oily nor dry. The texture is smooth and feels soft to the touch. Condition of skin seoalah transparent so that emits a soft light.
After finding out what your skin type then you can decide which option if suitable mask for your skin.

Provide nutrition from the inside. The trick with the consumption of foods containing benefits for your skin, because handling in is also important for your skin.
Nutrition can we get from vegetables and fruits. You can also fill it with products for skin nutrients in the market today. Strive your skin gets special treatment sepoerti these nutrients. You can also add natural ingredients unutuk scrub your skin. As with the use of turmeric for your skin care.

The simplest way is to fulfill the needs of the body's mineral water, mineral water because it can keep the skin to stay moist. In addition there are many more nutrients that are good for your skin.

Selection of soaps
According to research a good soap to use is liquid soap from the soap hard, harsh soaps because it contains materials that are used as a hardener alkali soap itself. The use of alkali is impacting on the skin resulting in dry and cracked. To outsmart you should use liquid soap, other than good for healthy skin if you use the shower when its use will also be cleaner results.
Also do not forget to also select the appropriate soap on your skin sndiri not pegged to a person that might mean for you, tah-skin leather and the feel of your own or your own results. Because if you use soap on your skin tidk suit will result in dry and chapped. It is not healthy for your skin, for it means that election results choose a soap that does not lead to dry on your skin.


Do not forget you have to be careful with environmental conditions such as sun exposure, free radical, weather, air, and so forth. You can overcome this by using sun block or lotion products are another. For if the skin is exposed to direct sunlight exposure may cause irritation to your skin. While others can make you dry and as hard.

Exercise is also good for your skin. Such as gymnastics in addition to good health was good also for your skin. To remain always firm and to relaunch the blood circulation. The sweat that comes out is also good for your skin, so that the dirt that is in pore/skin you can get out.

In general, the skin can be exposed to irritants, acne, black spots, dried and exposed to free radicals. To prevent this, we can use beauty products to keep our skin is. The food we eat should also be noted that the skin can meet the nutritional needs throughout the day. So keep your healthy skin.

Tips to increase the concentration

How to increase the concentration
Many ways that people do to improve concentration, because the concentration is very necessary in doing every thing. Given the high concentration makes our work more quickly and in accordance with the plan.
Here we discuss about how to improve concentration.
Having a specific goal you want to accomplish. If the financial goals, formulate exactly how much you want to have, as soon as you build your financial wake your ability to make money. Set time limits when you want to achieve it.
choose the color bright and fresh, let's say a piece of watermelon. Watermelon red color can trigger the release of adrenalin which can generate energy. In addition, you also can find a more beautiful scenery and cool, green plants such as rice or stretch of river. The color green can beat the brains of neglectful stress waves to beta waves are calm and make your mental state is ready to concentrate.
equestrian activities can help build positive character of a person so it will grow into an independent. On horseback, a person has the opportunity to move and interact socially. By practicing in a group in place of horse training, social life and your concentration can be fostered as a result of social interactions that occur.

There are no miracle cures to boost IQ or make so much smarter, but certain substances such as caffeine can give you energy and help stay focused and concentrate.
besides fish, kacang2an, avocado and vitamins and supplements can improve our concentration.

Brain stimulation (music)
using music instruments will also help in sharpen concentration. listen to music while relaxing instrument to stimulate brain waves.

Meditate in a quiet and nuanced nature or sit at one place while relaxing the mind which eliminates menggangu.dan stay focused.
In addition to these explanations, the experts also recommend:

- A good night's sleep.
- Drink enough water.
- Exercises to sharpen the mind.
- Meditation for the mind clear and rile